• acemedicalcentergensan@gmail.com
  • Phone:(083)553-3595


The Department performs pathologic examinations efficiently and accurately in the shortest possible time with the least use of materials and reagents for confirmation of clinical impression, screening, or detection of diseases, for prognosis and for therapeutic management, to aid the physicians in the management of their patients.

The Department caters to the needs of clinical or surgical services of the hospital. It also serves as training field for undergraduate medical students and paramedical personnel. CPD shall assess nosocomial environmental conditions in the hospital.

The Department of Pathology involves the study and diagnosis of diseases through examination of the surgically removed organ, tissues (biopsy samples),body fluids and in some cases the whole body (autopsy). It promotes understanding the basis of diseases, teaching knowledge to others and to apply understanding to improve medical diagnosis and treatment of patient leading to improve diagnosis, treatment and eventually, prevention.


a. To provide prompt, updated surgical care for patients

b. To maintain a high standard of ethical and professional service in the various fields of surgery.

c. To support the continuing medical education programs for the medical staff and paramedical personnel

d. To implement hospital policies from the Hospital board and administration.

Doctors of Clinical pathological:

- Kenneth C. Crisostomo, MD, DPSP